Thursday, July 22, 2010

2010-11 Back-to-School Information…

Yes, it’s only July, but for those of you interested in beginning to think about the 2010-11 school year, there’s lots of information available. The Gunn back-to-school mailing will go out the first week of August. If you want a sneak preview, the contents of the mailing are available online at

If you haven’t visited the campus since the last day of school, you’ve missed some big changes. Titan Village has been relocated to make way for construction of the new math and English building. A new campus map is available on the PTSA website at The relocation of the portable buildings has increased their distance from the heart of the campus, so the passing periods have been extended, giving rise to a new bell schedule which is also available on the PTSA website,

Big changes are also coming to the Arastradero corridor which will impact transportation to and from the Gunn campus. Look for “Getting to Gunn” news available at Public transportation information is available at

May the remainder of your summer days be filled with enjoyable and restful time shared with family and friends!

2010-11 Registration and Class Schedule Distribution on the Quad

Seniors: August 16, 8:30 – 11a
Juniors: August 17 8:30 – 11a
Sophomores: August 18, 8:30 – 11a
Freshman: August 20, 8:30 – 11 a

Important Dates

Freshman Parent Orientation in Spangenberg – August 17, 7 – 9p

Freshman Orientation – August 18, 2010, 8:30a to 3:00p

First Day of School and student picture day - August 24

Textbook distribution – August 25, student ID from the day before required

Back-to-School Night, September 2, 2010, 7 – 9:10p Bring a flashlight!