submitted by Grace Yu
Update On Arastradero Restriping Trial:
Initial repaving and restriping was implemented in August and September. The trial project includes a lane reduction on Arastradero Road from 4- to 3-lanes including turn lanes for safer neighborhood access and better controlled turning movements. The first post-construction community meeting was held on October 14. City staff presented an update on project construction activities, initial traffic data findings & project enhancements to implementation during the trial period, and accepted public input on the project.
Two additional planned improvements are being scheduled. One is a traffic signal modification at Arastradero Road and Coulombe Road to enhance left turn signal phasing for eastbound Arastradero Road traffic. The other is two new raised median islands at Arastradero Road & Clemo Avenue with a pedestrian activated flashing beacon warning system and at Arastradero Road & Hubbart St with a new vehicle speed feedback sign to encourage vehicle speed reductions along the street. Monitoring will continue and additional community input meetings will be scheduled later this winter.
The following project enhancements are being implemented this Winter in response to the community input on the project:
• Discussions with Caltrans about the El Camino Real Traffic Signal Operations (Caltrans, not the City of Palo Alto, controls the El Camino Real intersection and traffic signal)
• Alta Mesa intersection signage and striping improvement to help keep the intersection clear from El Camino Real queues
• Arastradero Road roadway marking changes between Donald Dr-Terman Rd and King Arthur Ct to help improve left turn vehicle access to both streets
Further updates will be released by the city as implementation schedules are finalized with contractors.
This project is an on-going one-year trial with monitoring and adjustments being made during the trial period. Evaluation of the project will be based on predetermined specific performance measures which include: crash reduction, transportation mode shift, and 85th percentile speed reduction goals, maintaining point-to-point travel times within the study area.
If you missed the meeting, written comments may be sent via email to:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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