Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Selpa 1 CAC Parent Ed event Sept 26

Submitted by Karen Mueller

Organization Skills   "That crumpled paper was due last week."  Sounds familiar?  Describes your son or daughter to the tee?  Then please join us for the presentation by Ana Homayoun, the book author and the founder of Green Ivy, Los Altos-based consulting, specializing in motivational organization and time-management strategies for middle and high school students.
Wednesday, Sept 26, 2012 – meeting is 7 to 9 pm.  Hospitality begins at 6:45pm.  Covington Elementary School Multi, 205 Covington, Los Altos 94024.
This parent education event is sponsored by the SELPA 1 CAC (www.selpa1cac.org)  All of our events are free and open to anyone who feels they might benefit.  No registration is necessary.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Back To School Help Needed

                   Submitted by Norma Hesterman

Gunn depends on an incredible amount of volunteer assistance during opening days in the fall. Volunteers are essential in welcoming the students to the campus and helping them begin their new year smoothly. Though many volunteers are signed up to help, the following needs currently exist. Please help where you can, as many times as you can. Respond to Norma Hesterman at nhesterman@pausd.org including:

Your name_________________________________________
Name of student(s)__________________________________

Help with Back-to-School Brunch, Wed., Aug 15. Watch for Jooners sign-up
___Wed., Aug. 15

Opening day, a few volunteers needed to assist secretaries and counselors, help in offices, dry tears
___Thurs., Aug. 16, 7:45 to 10:00

Help with textbook distribution, 
many volunteers needed.
___Fri., Aug. 17, 8:00 to 12:30, and/or ___12:30 to 4:00

Help with student photos
___Fri., Aug. 17, 8:25 to 12:30, and/or ___12:30 to 3:30
During lunch, mark & distribute gym clothing (Please help both days, if possible.)
___Mon., Aug. 20, and ___Tues., Aug 21

Help in Student Activities Center during the 
first 5 days of school in the following shifts:
___8:30 to 11:00, ___11:00 to 1:00, ___1:00 to 3:30.
Preferred day(s)__________________________________

Thank you!