Wednesday, December 18, 2013


January 6, 2014, 3:55pm, Staff Lounge 

CALL TO ORDER:  Becky Thomas
Members of the public may address the Council on non-agenda items.  (LIMIT of FIVE MINUTES per person.)
Approval of December 2, 2013 Meeting Minutes (five minutes)
Update on Action Items
District Perspective on Secondary Education Items:  Katherine Baker
Facilities Update:  Kim Cowell
Constituency Representatives’ Reports:
Principal’s Report:  Katya Villalobos
     WASC and SPSA Update
Board of Education:  Katya Villalobos
PTSA:  Becky Thomas
     Titan Grants
Parent Report:  Becky Thomas
     Calendar Days
SEC:  Somin Kim
Site Council:  Rene' Hart
     Next meeting February 3 at 3:55pm    
Round Robin

Light Refreshments provided by Josh Paley/Grace Park

Parent Ed Night sponsored by SELPA

Depression:  When is moodiness a more serious problem that requires outside help?  What are the signs of depression and what can be done to help?  Learn about the symptoms of clinical depression, treatment options and how you can best support your child.  Our speaker will be John Brentar, Ph.D., the Executive Director of Morrissey-Compton.  Dr. Brentar spoke to our group on anxiety last year and gave such an excellent talk that he was first on our list to be invited back this year.  His hour long presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.  
Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 7 pm to 9 pm
Hospitality begins at 6:45pm
Covington Elementary School Multi, 205 Covington, Los Altos 94024.

This parent education event is sponsored by the SELPA 1 CAC (  All of our events are free and open to anyone who feels they might benefit.  No registration is necessary.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What do teens want from their parents?

by Charlotte Villemoes, LMFT Site Director at Woodside High School 

Before I make a call home to a parent, I always ask the teen I have been seeing if they have any messages for mom and dad that they would like me to deliver. They always do. Most of the time the message is all about what they don’t want their parents to do, like “tell my dad to stop bugging me about homework” or “can you pleeeeease tell my mom to stop criticizing my clothes” or, the somewhat vague but really common, “just tell them to stop nagging me all the time”. When I get these responses, I often challenge them by asking what they DO want, explaining that even parents like to be thrown a bone, and that they too like to feel they know what they are doing. After a pause and some discussion, a wish list typically starts to emerge, a list that over the years has grown to include some of the following wants and needs.
They want your love and approval. They might not show it but they really like surprise, out-of-the-blue compliments, just like they want you to praise them when they are happy about an accomplishment. Be genuine though, their BS radars are quite developed. Physical display of affection is often quite ok as long as you refrain from any kind of touch in public, especially in front of their friends. Ask for some ground rules.
They want some privacy. If they have their own room, please knock and wait for a reply before entering. Also respect that their friends mean the world to them. Research has shown that social rejection registers as bodily injury or pain in the brain so if a friend disapproves of them or they feel socially rejected, it can feel worse than a punch in the gut. Have patience with their obsession with friends, encourage them to find good ones, and help them balance social time with family time, work time, and alone time. 
They want you to stand by them even when you think they might be wrong. Don’t side with the impossible-to-please physics teacher or the two-faced friend. Have their backs when no one else will. If this is too challenging for you to do, at least take the time to truly listen to their perspective. They want that.
They want to become more independent, so cross your fingers and allow them to manage their own homework, projects, and school requirements. Nagging them about it typically backfires, while encouragement and genuine interest fuels them. Let them make mistakes. They are trying to be the best people they can be, but they can only figure out what not to do after they have experienced the consequences. Let them draw their own conclusions and step in only when you foresee a disastrous or harmful consequence.
They want to feel they are able to contribute so give them responsibilities and assign them chores. Expect them to empty the dishwasher, wash their own clothes, and cook some meals. Teach them and remind them, and don’t give up on them even when they whine about it.
Most importantly, they want you to know that they love you. Behind the attitude and slammed doors, they care a lot about their family and they want their family to get along. Even when they pretend not to listen or care about what you think, they actually do, - especially when you keep it short. Don't let the eye rolling and the sighing fool you; your love, your relationship, your opinions and values are truly important to them. 

Adolescent Counseling Services is a community non-profit, which provides vital counseling services on eight secondary campuses at no charge to students and their families. To learn more about our services please visit the ACS website at or call Pamela Garfield, Site Director at Gunn (650) 849-7919. ACS relies on the generosity of community members to continue offering individual, family, and group counseling to over 1,500 individuals annually. ACS provides critical interventions and mental health services, building a better future for tomorrow. If you are interested in helping to support our efforts, do not hesitate to call to make a donation. It goes a long way in helping teenagers find their way.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fashion Design Class

Cañada College Fashion Design and Merchandising Department invite your High School student to enroll in our Beginning Clothing Construction classes.   Enrollment is free for high school students. Learning to sew, use a sewing machine, and constructing three garments are a few new skills that will be taught. The supportive learning environment is open to all skill levels. .  Concurrent enrollment is another benefit! (Check with guidance counselor)
CRN35481 Mondays 6:30pm-9:45pm
CRN39272 Tuesdays 9:10 am-12noon
4200 Farm Hill Blvd.  Redwood City   Bldg. 3 Room 255

PACO Presents: A Holiday Extravaganza!

Sunday, December 15 - 3PM
Center for the Performing Arts, Menlo-Atherton High School
A new holiday tradition, infused with the spirit of PACO. Join us for a very special afternoon as PACO celebrates the season in style, joined by talented youngsters from the Cantabile Youth Singers and the Pacific Ballet Academy... plus a special guest appearance by the PACO SuperStrings. Waltz to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, sing "Hallelujah" to Handel's Messiah, and enjoy a selection of other seasonal favorites by Corelli, Leroy Anderson, and more.
The concert will also feature PACO members performing movements from the masterworks of the chamber music repertoire, including Johannes Brahms' titanicViola Quintet in G, Op. 111.
Thanks for your continued support of PACO, and we hope to see you at one of the performances.
Hans Hoffer, Manager, Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra
Upcoming Concerts:
December 9th, 8PM - Freight and Salvage, Berkeley
December 15th, 3PM - Menlo-Atherton CPA
January 19th, 3PM -Davies Symphony Hall
Preparatory Orchestra
January 31st, 7:30PM - Cubberley Theatre
February 7th, 7:30PM - Cubberley Theatre
For a complete list of performances, please visit our website.


The Holidays are here, it's time to go shopping.
To find that perfect gift, there's no reason to go store hopping!!

The GUNN HIGH SCHOOL BOYS LACROSSE TEAM is holding an online fundraiser with Stella & Dot.  Funds raised will be used to purchase new field equipment and protective gear for players.  Shop online now and the lacrosse team receives 50% of the retail sale of the item!
Here's how to order:
  • Go to
  • Top left bar click on finding a hostess.
  • Type in Renate Steiner, select Renate as hostess and continue.
  • Click shop online (lower right) and you are ready to  shop!  All purchases made will be credited to the lacrosse team.
Online shopping open now until Christmas.
Happy Holidays and Happy Shopping!!

Any questions, please contact Jill Spain