Thursday, August 14, 2014

Miranda Drop-off and Bike Path Are OPEN!

A new campus path provides access from the upper bike path that runs parallel to Miranda and from Bol Park to new bike parking behind Building N.  For pedestrians and bicyclists coming from Arastradero, there are new pathways into campus via Miranda and additional new bicycle parking is now available between the Science and World Languages buildings (Buildings J and H).
For drivers, a new driveway with access from Miranda is open for student drop-offs only. There is no student, parent, or visitor parking at this location.  Also, no parking or standing is permitted in the Miranda drop-off zone. If your student is not immediately ready to be picked up, please park in the main Arastradero lot to wait. For student safety and to reduce driver delays, please adhere to these rules: 
  • Drop off passengers only from the lane closest to the sidewalk.   
  • Passengers must exit from the right (sidewalk side) of vehicles.
  • When exiting this driveway, all drivers must turn right on Miranda. Left turns are not permitted from the driveway exit, and they will be subject to ticketing.  
  • U-turns are illegal on Miranda Avenue and are subject to ticketing. 
  • No student drop-offs on Miranda. 

Respect the marked crosswalks where pedestrians and bikes will access campus. Please watch for them. 

Look for more information about commuting safely and conveniently to Gunn here

Bike Repair Station at Gunn!

Over 800 people bicycle to Gunn each school day. Often these bicyclists need minor repairs of flat tires or loose seats, chains, and cables. 
This summer Ian Cramer (Gunn class of 2015) installed a do-it-yourself bike repair and pump station at Gunn for his Eagle Scout project. Ian raised $1,500 for the project from sponsors, including Gunn PTSA Traffic Safety and the Gunn 2015 Social Entrepreneurs, AJTutoring, Mike’s Bikes and Paradigm Counsel, among others. 

You can find the Bike Fixtation in the covered hallway in the Music Building P. The station includes a hex key set, Torx T-25, steel core tire levers, adjustable wrench, cone wrench, Phillips & standard screwdrivers, and tire pump. If you don’t know what those tools are, no worries. The station also includes smart phone links to videos and pictures with instructions on how to make minor repairs.

Parents of Children with IEPs, 504s or Learning Differences

You are not alone - get connected
Did you know that about 13% of students in PAUSD receive special services?  
Gunn has a PTA Special Ed/Inclusion Representative. Your parent volunteer rep is:
Stacey Ashlund
Your rep is there to support you and your family! Look for announcements from your rep. Connect with her to help you navigate PAUSD and community resources, and to build community at your school.
Here for you - the CAC for Special Education
PAUSD has an active community of parents of kids with special needs, many of whom have  IEPs or 504s. We have an advocacy group called the CAC for Special Education. Check out our website, events, and join our CAC Yahoo group:  
CAC 2014 Events will include:
  • Wed, October 22nd, UNITY Day – National Bullying Prevention Awareness
  • November IEP Workshop Series –Presented in partnership with Parents Helping Parents (PHP)
  • CAC Parent Support Group Meetings: 
  • 10-11 a.m. Tuesday September 2 
  • 7-8 p.m.. Thursday October 2
  • 7-8 p.m., Tuesday November 4 
  • 10-11 a.m., Thursday December 4, 7-8 p.m.
  • Dec 1-5 Inclusive Schools Week
  • And more! See your school eNews and for more info

Padres de niños con IEP, 504s or diferencias de aprendizaje

Usted no está solo - conéctate
¿Sabían ustedes que el 13% de estudiantes en PAUSD reciben servicios especiales como IEP o el plan 504?
Gunn tiene una representante de PTA de Educacion Especial/Inclusión. Su representante voluntario es: 
Stacey Ashlund
Su representante está aqui para apoyar a usted y su familia! Vea los anuncios de su representante. Conectese con ella y navege por PAUSD y ayuda comunitaria, y construyamos una comunidad en su escuela. 
Aqui esta para ti - el CAC para Educacion Especial
PAUSD tiene una comunidad activa de padres de niños con necesidades especiales, muchos de los cuales tienen IEPs o 504s. Nosotros tenemos un grupo de apoyo llamado CAC para Educacion Especial. Checa nuestra red, eventos y unete a CAC Yahoo group. 
CAC 2014 Eventos incluyen:
  • Miercoles Octubre 22 Dia de Unity (Alerta Nacional preventiva de bullying)
  • Noviembre IEP serie de talleres presentado en union con Padres Ayudando Padres (PHP)
  • CAC padres grupo de ayuda reuniones:
  • 10-11am Martes Septiembre 2 
  • 7-8pm Jueves Octubre 2 
  • 10-11am Martes Noviembre 4
  • 7-8pm Jueves Diciembre 4
  • Diciembre 1st a 5th, Semana de Escuelas Inclusivas
  • Y mucho mas! Ve la informacion de tu escuela en eNews y para mas informacion.

SELPA September Meeting:

I am a Parent New to Special Ed and Special Needs. Help!! Where do I Start? 

If you  are new to special ed or not so new yet still have lots of questions, come and meet Dr. Trenna Sutcliffe, a local developmental and behavioral pediatrician. She is an expert in over 18 different conditions such as anxiety, autism, ADHD, behavioral disorders, CP, and other developmental disabilities. We will be talking about navigating your way through the path of education, family life, testing, and more.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 – meeting is 7 to 9 pm. Hospitality begins at 6:45pm. 
Covington Elementary School Multi, 205 Covington, Los Altos 94024.
This parent education event is sponsored by the SELPA 1 CAC ( an all-volunteer group of parents of children with special needs. Our service area includes all public school districts in Los Altos, Mountain View, and Palo Alto. All of our events are free and open to anyone who feels they might benefit. No registration is 
