Belle Griffiths, Cherrill Spencer, Hazel Watson Gunn PiE Representatives
We are so thankful to the many Gunn families who have supported Partners in Education (PiE) in the past. Because of your support, Gunn will receive over $303,000 from Palo Alto Partners in Education this school year. These funds are enhancing your child’s education in many areas:
College & Career Counseling
- PiE funds cover 23% of the costs in this area
- One additional staff person
- New Programs targeted to help students and parents plan for college: College Pathways, College for Every Student, and Ernst & Young mentoring initiative
- Training, set-up and equipment funds for "Project Lead the Way", a curriculum that will introduce new engineering oriented classes using project based learning: Digital Electronics in 2009-2010 and Intro to Engineering Design in 2010-2011
- PiE funds cover 33% of the costs involved in technology integration into the curriculum
- One additional person for coaching/mentoring of teachers and staff to effectively use multi-media and communication related new technologies in the curriculum
- PiE money raised this year will be available for the 2010-11 school year. Given the current economic outlook, the expectation is that the Palo Alto Unified School District will have to make cuts totaling $4.4 million in the 2010-2011 school year.
- PiE is the only nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to raising money for all PAUSD schools. Only PiE contributions can fund additional teachers and staff. PTA funds cannot.
- PiE dollars are allocated on a per student basis so every child throughout our school district benefits.
What you can do!
Please show your commitment to excellent education in Palo Alto by making a donation to Palo Alto Partners in Education. By targeting your PiE donation to the PiE High School Fund you know that your dollars are supporting critical needs at Gunn. Your student will directly benefit from your support.
- Look for the PiE letter in your PTSA back-to-school packet or donate online at www.papie.org
- Online payments can be made as one time gift or on an installment plan.
- Ask if your employer offers a company matching gift program and so increase your donation.
- Call the PiE office at 650-329-3990 for more information about how you can get involved.
- All donations are 100% tax deductible.
- Questions? Concerns? Contact one of your three Gunn PiE Representatives:
Belle Griffiths at belle.griffiths@sbcglobal.net,
Cherrill Spencer at cherrill@slac.stanford.edu
, Hazel Watson at hazelwatson@gmail.com
Thank you for your support, Belle, Cherrill, and Hazel
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