January 30, 7:30PM
Cubberley Theatre
February 6, 7:30PM
Cubberley Theatre
February 15, 3PM
Cubberley Theatre
March 1, 3PM
Cubberley Theatre
March 7, 7:30PM
Cubberley Theatre

Preparatory Orchestra
Kris Yenney, director
Friday, January 30th - 7:30PM
Cubberley Theatre
The mighty members of PACO's Prep Orchestra take the stage for their first concert of the year this Friday at 7:30 in the Cuberley Theatre. The performance will feature a bevy of small ensembles, and the full orchestra will perform works by Geminiani, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, and the famous Concerto for Two Violins of JS Bach.

SuperStrings Ensemble
Kris Yenney, director
Friday, February 6th - 7:30PM
Cubberley Theatre
Small but amazing, the SuperStringers are PACO's youngest members. That doesn't stop them from sounding terrific, however! They'll present a variety of chamber pieces, and will join forces as an orchestra for pieces by Playford, Vivaldi, and Bach.
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