Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Message From The Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Wow, it is difficult to believe but we are already in week three of second semester. As winter begins to end, Gunn activities--academic, co-curricular and extra--curricular are humming along. We have officially begun Registration Season by welcoming the class of 2015. The Guidance and Administrative Staff have finished our "Gunn 101" presentations, culminating in our Academic Open House on February 1.

Over the next two weeks you and your student(s) will be receiving registration information. The 2011-2012 Gunn Course Catalog is now available on-line. Please take the time to read and review--it includes a lot of handy information from course descriptions, homework estimates, and the Advanced Placement Application---here is the link: http://gunn.pausd.org/registration/catalog/gunncatalog1112.html

This is also the time of year that we want to hear from you. Below is the Parent/Guardian Input Request. I encourage you to send input to the teachers;

Parent/Guardian Input—2010-2011

Each year at this time, parents and students are asked to provide input on teacher(s). We urge you to respond to this request because it is one of several important sources of information that help teachers and their supervisors improve instruction. Students will be asked to complete input forms in their classes. Parents are required to sign their input, while student input is anonymous.

Please remember that a teacher’s assigned supervisors are the sole evaluators (administrator) of teacher performance and that this input process is not an appropriate or effective means to present complaints. If you have a specific problem or concern about a teacher and you have not been able to resolve it, please contact their Instructional supervisor and/or administrator.

Your completed form goes directly to the teacher and is not seen by anyone else unless the teacher chooses to share it. Return each form to (Name of Teacher), Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306. You may also give your input to the teacher directly by email.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear ___________________________________________________________
(Teacher’s name)

Student’s grade level : 9 10 11 12

Period: A B C D E F G

Appropriate, timely and effective communication with student and home about student progress:

Success in meeting student’s academic needs:

Success in demonstrating that s/he is aware of my student’s personal needs which affect academic performance:

Other comments (attach additional sheet if necessary):

Signature of parent/guardian (required):______________________________________________

Thank you and sincerely,

Katya Villalobos
Henry M. Gunn High School
780 Arastradero Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306
650-493-7801 (FAX)

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