Friday, November 9, 2012

Host an AFS Exchange Student/ Study Abroad with AFS

Submitted by Pam Wong

Invite Adventure – Host an AFS Exchange Student
Adventure brings personal challenges and the excitement of exploring the unknown. A really good adventure can reveal new insights into the familiar.  It’s possible to invite adventure right into your home.
AFS host families open their homes to students from all over the world. Taking in a student from another culture for a semester or academic year invites the challenge of building lifetime relationships with someone who can be your guide to a new culture.  And your own neighborhood seen through the eyes of that new son or daughter can look like an amazing and novel place.
For more information please visit

Taking a look at your world by leaving – Study abroad with AFS
The world is a big place, even if it’s easy to find a picture of a house on the other side of the planet on Google Earth. AFS sends American students to 90 countries worldwide to immerse themselves in a new culture and learn a new language. Traveling to a new place as a visitor is fun, but the journey of a high school student on an international exchange living with a local family is more than a trip to a foreign country. It’s an inner journey
Here at Gunn our student Maya recently returned from Spain.  If you’d like to consider a year or semester abroad, AFS can answer your questions at an information night/at Ask an AFSer etc.
For more information please visit

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