Thursday, November 1, 2012

Project Cornerstone's 41 Developmental Assets

Submitted by Karen Saxena

41 Developmental Assets.

Come join us for coffee and breakfast at Fairmeadow for an
understanding of PROJECT CORNERSTONE'S 41 Developmental Assets.

VENUE: MP room at Fairmeadow (500 East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto)
DATE and TIME: Nov 8th from 8.30 to 10.30am
FOR MORE INFO: Hemla Makan-Dullabh or Nirmala Patni

This event will focus on how parents can build more developmental
assets for their children, including questions such as:

What did the survey reveal about how Palo Alto kids perceive the support they
receive from their community?
How can we as parents start to affect these Developmental Assets for our
children in elementary school?

In 2010 Palo Alto Unified School District and Project Cornerstone surveyed over
4,000 students. The survey measured developmental assets, which are the
positive values, skills, relationships and experiences that help young
people grow up to be healthy, caring and responsible adults

Did you know that only 32% of elementary school students believe that they are
of service to others? This is a MEGA asset and influences the development of 31
other assets.

56% of Palo Alto middle and high school students have enough assets to provide
a great foundation for success in life. Unfortunately, 44% of this same age group
don’t have enough assets to build a solid foundation.

Only 32% of high school students believe that they have positive family
communication but 64% of elementary students reported having this. Why is it
that high school students’ feel as though they cannot communicate to their parents

Come join us on Nov 8th at Fairmeadow to learn more!

This event is hosted by Project Cornerstone, which is a project of the YMCA. Please visit their
website, to learn more.

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