Thursday, December 6, 2012

December's Asset of the Month

December's Asset of the Month is Asset #1: Family life provides high levels of love and support.

Family support refers to the ways that parents, siblings, and extended family show love, encouragement, and comfort to each other — families are the cornerstone of the social support system for youth.  The 2011 survey of Palo Alto youth reveals that while younger youth generally experience and are aware of family support, teenagers do so much less often:  89% of PAUSD elementary school students, 84% of our middle school students, and 66% of our high school students reported this asset, based on their responses to:

            • I get along well with my parents
            • My parents give me help and support when I need it.
            • My parents often tell me they love me.

Because adolescents require greater autonomy and independence than younger children, effective family support for older youth takes a different form than in earlier years; however, their need for their families is still strong. Adults are challenged to find a balance between giving youth the love and support they need to navigate their adolescence and the independence they need to develop as individuals. 

The following discussion topics can be used to open a dialogue with young people about the ways that they experience family support: 

            • Does your family provide support in a way that’s meaningful and easy for you to recognize? Why or why not? 
            • Do you and your parents treat each other with the same kindness and dignity that you’d expect from your friends? 
            • Does your family do things together on a regular basis? Are there any activities that you’d like to share (or be willing to share) with your family? 

Winter break provides families with a chance to spend more time together.  We hope you enjoy your time together and let them know you love and support them.  For some resources and activities to try together, click on the December Asset resource kit link below.

This content is based on Project Cornerstone’s Asset-a-Month program resource kit. For more information, visit:
December Asset resource kit: 

To get involved in the Palo Alto Developmental Assets Initiative of Project Safety Net, contact s at:

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Linda van Gelder

Empowering Our Youth Through Developmental Assets.
  Palo Alto Developmental Assets     
  Initiative/Project Safety Net

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